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St Cuthbert results

Great turn out at St Cuthbert yesterday for our June competition and some great scores!!

Best scratch, and winner of the Eleanor Taylor memorial trophy, Roz Purdom (St Nicholas) with a 79

1st Silver Katie Hodge (St Nicholas) 84 - 19 = 65

2nd Silver June Dempster (St Nicholas) 86 - 19 - 67 bih

1st Bronze Sandra Johnson (Kilbirnie) 86 - 26 = 60

2nd Bronze Sheena Spence (St Nicholas) 94 - 30 = 64 bih

The winner of the quaich finalists for Bronze division was Sandra Johnson

Well done to all the winners and enjoy all these handicap reductions!  Qualifiers for the McCall Salver (Bronze match play) will be notified in due course once the draw has been completed.