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A great day was had by all for the first County Cycle Cumbrae Challenge.  Twenty four cyclists took part with every age group represented from teenagers to 20's to 30's to..................

We were ably supported by our President Nora McCrossin and our Treasurer Jill West who came along and made a day of it with their families and dogs!

The weather could not have been kinder and the conditions were perfect for our cycle.

A very quick stop at Fintry Bay before on in to Millport where we were welcomed by fellow county member Pat Wright who had kindly provided a superb afternoon tea for us all.  Sandwiches, cakes, tea, coffee and a comfort break were very well received.  A big thank you to Pat for her hard work and generosity.

While at Pats we had an early birthday celebration for Captain Sheila who is celebrating her birthday on Sunday before heading back to get the ferry home.

Thanks to everyone who took part and all the generous sponsors.

Pictures to follow.