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Scottish County finals

Dear county member,

Thank you in advance to those of you who have volunteered to TrolleyPull next weekend, at the inter county championship Finals, at Peebles Golf Club.

For the new members, or for those of you who are not quite sure what’s happening, next week.

In June Ayrshire LCGA, won the west of Scotland inter county championship at Prestwick GC. We now go on to represent the west against Fife,Perth & Kinross Dumfrieshire.

This will be an exciting weekend for Team Ayrshire, they will be up against the cream of ladies amateurs golfers from all over Scotland.

We are still 4 Trolley pullers short for Friday and Sunday. If you can spare a morning or afternoon to help out we would really appreciate it, please get in touch :)

If you only have a couple of hours spare the Team would love to see some Ayrshire support on the course, sporting Yellow and Green of course.

Yours sincerely
Liz Wilson
ALCGA Captain