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Gin night!

Great to see so many ladies support ALCGA gin tasting night. Despite the professional Gin expert cancelling last minute, we were determined not to let the ladies down.
So with the help of Brian behind the bar, we still produced Gin cocktails, mocktails and flavoured Gin Shots. Which seemed to go down well, by the empty glasses.

There was also a raffle, and a game of bingo to keep us entertained, while we waited for the star attraction “The Barassie Lassies and The Loudoun Lady” which was a 7 piece ukulele band. Everyone joined in and sang along to well known hits from the 60s

The committee sported the new style polo shirts which are available to buy, and more available at the championship at Turnberry. Beetle drive tickets for the event at Irvine Bogside GC 19th March went on sale, lots sold so limited tickets still available so if interested please contact your club rep or a committee member ASAP.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support, hope you all enjoyed your evening, and we look forward to seeing all of you at The Beetle Drive

Liz Wilson